Sunday, July 1, 2007

Searching for the MDA

We've reported on several occasions that Search leads growth in online ad spending in 2006 and our analyst friends at eMarketer say this trend will continue into 2010. More specifically, 40 percent of online spending will be on Search for the next four years. So we definitely have to concentrate and constantly improve on our Search Engine Marketing strategies...yes "obviously."

Still staying on the research front, Forrester Research reports "79% of marketers have used or piloted search marketing programs." Forrester's analysts point out the competition for keywords is driving up prices and many firms still think they can implement successful campaigns on their own. However, they reiterate that choosing a professional firm to handle SEM may be the answer. We support that notion. But we also advocate doing your research and to help with this we have an article, well, a forthcoming series, telling you what “Questions to Ask Your Potential Search Engine Optimization Company".

There are also many marketers or marketing teams that still don't get the principles of MDA. That's right-- most desired action. Internet marketing guru Seth Godin said in one of his blogs, "I mean, it's pretty clear that we want SOMETHING to happen when we build a web page, but too often, that goal is hidden behind vague pronouncements about enabling the user."

To assist you in understanding the MDA and its implementation on your site, read this feature and make something meaningful happen on your website. That's the desired action we're talking about.

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